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Introduction to
Maths Pathway
Maths Pathway supports teachers to have a greater impact in the classroom through a Learning and Teaching Model that delivers truly engaging and personalized learning for each student.
Through Maths Pathway, teaches can deliver high quality, easy to execute explicit teaching and differentiated learning. Some key features from the program includes;
- High quality explicit teaching
Maths Pathway takes care of resource development, assessment design, and course documentation so you can focus on what matters – teaching! Curriculum-aligned board notes, lesson plans and practice exercises will ensure your students see appropriate content in each and every unit.
- Differentiated learning
Every student has specific learning requirements in mathematics. Maths Pathway uses advanced diagnostics and ongoing formative assessments to identify each student’s gaps and competencies, then deliver them the content they’re ready to learn.
- Assessments
Advanced diagnostics and ongoing formative assessments pinpoint each student’s levels of understanding, enabling individualised learning to take place. Students sit initial diagnostic tests where they find out what they are ready to learn, then they have ongoing formative tests to track growth and progress.
- PD & support
When you sign-up with Maths Pathway you’re joining our community of more than 300 schools and 3,000 teachers. Maths Pathway is really simple to use and you’ll also be supported every step of the way with a team of coaches to make your journey as easy as possible. Plus, you’ll have access to PD events and our world-class support team (we respond in

High Quality Teaching
Personalized & Differentiated Learning
Curriculum based


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