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Introduction to
DataClassroom is a web-app for graphing, statistics, and data analysis in the grade 6-12+ science and math classroom.
The tool runs on any device that accesses the internet and it can integrate with learning management systems such as Schoology, Clever, and Google Classroom.The tool has been by teachers and professional scientists to provide the opportunity to integrate next-generation data skills seamlessly with the learning experiences teachers are already creating.
DataClassroom features over 70 Ready-to-Teach lesson plans including topics ranging from the impact of the covid pandemic on the opioid crisis to the impact of global temperature changes on extinctions events. There are also classic biology, physics, and chemistry labs to choose from, and the resource library is searchable by topic, grade, and skill.
The graphing and statistics tool allows students to investigate these prepared datasets or to upload their own data and create professional looking graphs in seconds. They are also provided scaffolded learning experiences as they work to master graphing and statistics in the course of their data analysis education.

An ever-growing, searchable library of Ready-to-Teach lessons featuring real data from a wide range of scientific studies.
Easy to use graphing tools that allows students to make expert-level graphs in seconds.
The ability to quickly upload and analyze student and classroom experiment data.
Every statistical test and measurement you and your students need , including hypothesis tests and descriptive statistics.


Yearly plans for individuals or teachers are available. Custom plans for schools and districts is available.
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