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Educourse is a technology education company in Indonesia that provides and provides various future skills courses. Courses supplied as a solution to accelerate the quality of learning by using a STEAM-based education that supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and AR technology (Augmented Reality).
Educourse uses World-Class Curriculum STEAM because it is proven to accelerate the quality of education in developed countries and prioritize practical knowledge and hard skills needed in industry 4.0 in the 21st century.
Educourse products include Coding for class Kids, Coding for Teens, Robotic STEAM, and English STEAM. Educourse has various foreign language classes as a supportive product with AI technology as a Learning Buddy or Speaking Buddy.
We collaborate with many schools to develop the market
as complementary future extracurricular skills learning for students. Our advantage is that the first organization in Indonesia STEM certified from America with using advanced technology, namely AI (Intelligence) artificial) as a friend to study students.
EdTech Solutions
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