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VHS Learning

Virtual High School Classes. Beyond Walls. Beyond Boundaries.



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에드테크 사용자

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소개 -

VHS Learning

Elevate your high school catalog this fall with a variety of online options! Connect students around the world with access to engaging, teacher-led virtual classes. The standard for quality online education. 1. For Schools Supplement your catalog with over 275 high-quality online high school courses. 2. For Students You belong here. Join a global community of students and cultivate your curiosity with courses that interest you. 3. For Parents Empower your child to succeed and forge ahead with specialized courses at a variety of levels and in a range of disciplines. Why choose VHS Learning? 1. For Educator Expand your high school’s curriculum without sacrificing quality. Selecting the right education partner is critical to the success of your online learning program. - Offer a Larger Variety of Courses Provide students with 275+ unique online courses to supplement their school’s face-to-face offerings. - Add Scheduling Flexibility With teacher-led, high-quality online courses, you can resolve scheduling issues and give students courses based on their interests – all without straining your budget. - Offer Courses Taught by Certified Teachers Offer NCAA approved credit recovery, AP, and an extensive selection of unique electives, as well as computer science and STEM courses taught by certified high school teachers. - Help Students Meet Graduation Requirements Expand your school’s programs & services even if your resources are limited. 2. For Parents & Students Career Inspiring & Credit-worthy. - Rich and interactive online courses. Students enrolled in our courses have a dedicated teacher and community of peers, just like a traditional course. But instead of being restricted to a specific time and place, our courses take place online with no class times. Students can complete their coursework anytime, as long as they meet the deadlines and due dates set by their instructors. Using our online platform, they will communicate with their teacher, complete weekly coursework, and participate in discussions with classmates, all using a reliable internet connection. We offer flexible self-pace, and standard courses follow the traditional semester and full-year schedule, with specific start and end dates. Our fall semester starts in September, and our spring semester in January. - Qualified and engaging teachers. All VHS Learning courses are led by qualified teachers actively guiding students by interacting in class discussions and private discussions with each student, along with grading assignments. Teachers will respond within 24 hours to student inquires Monday through Friday. - Expansive variety of courses. ✨A diverse catalog of STEM courses to help your child discover possible science and technology college and career paths ✨Online Summer School ✨29 Advanced Placement® courses to help you earn college credit ✨Over 300 unique courses in the Arts, World Languages, Humanities, and more, that your child can take as part of their school day ✨Credit Recovery allows your child to catch up and graduate on time ✨Full-time online school if your child needs an alternative to face-to-face schooling
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주요 특징들

Interactive Learning

High-Touch Support

Flexible Scheduling

Diverse Classrooms

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기술적 세부 사항

제품 인증

인증에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하세요.

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계획 & 가격

For Parents & Student is completely free

For Educator
1. Pay as you go
$450 Per Enrollment

2. Teaching Partnership
$165 (5-50 Enrollments)

3. Student-Only Partnership
$425 (5-29 Enrollments)

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