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EdTech Marketplace Asia는 신뢰할 수 있는 제3자로부터 검증된 정보를 제공하여 귀하에게 가장 적합한 제품을 찾는 데 필요한 모든 정보를 제공합니다.
EdTech 상호 운용성, 개인 정보 보호, 디자인, 교육적 품질, 효율성 등을 다루는 인증을 검색하여 자신 있게 제품을 찾으십시오.
다양한 인증에 대해 자세히 알아보고 제품이나 도구가 귀하의 요구 사항을 충족하는지 결정하는 데 인증이 중요한 이유를 알아보려면 아래 설명을 읽어보세요.
App Certification
EdTech Marketplace Asia는 신뢰할 수 있는 제3자로부터 검증된 정보를 제공하여 귀하에게 가장 적합한 제품을 찾는 데 필요한 모든 정보를 제공합니다.
EdTech 상호 운용성, 개인 정보 보호, 디자인, 교육적 품질, 효율성 등을 다루는 인증을 검색하여 자신 있게 제품을 찾으십시오.
다양한 인증에 대해 자세히 알아보고 제품이나 도구가 귀하의 요구 사항을 충족하는지 결정하는 데 인증이 중요한 이유를 알아보려면 아래 설명을 읽어보세요.
Educational AppStore
EducationalAppStore.com is a discovery, review and recommendation marketplace for educational apps and websites. All of our apps and websites are reviewed by a professional experienced teacher using 25 metrics designed by Professor of Educational Technology, Mike Sharples. An experienced and practicing teacher carries out app certification. They score individual app/website against our unique rubrics learning criteria. These criteria assess the aspects that make up an educational app/website and which are critical from a learning perspective. These include, but are not limited to content, educational value, integration, design, and navigation
Pedagogical Quality
Checks if EdTech tools support teaching goals and different learning styles.
Education Alliance Finland Certification
Education Alliance Finland provides a product evaluation & certification service based on global quality standard for learning solutions. Our service helps to improve product’s pedagogy and offers an agile way to demonstrate educational impact to your customers. Our on-demand evaluations and catalog of Certified EdTech products allow schools to discover the best learning applications fast and easy – facilitating evidence-based purchase decisions.
ISTE Seal of Alignment
Products aligned to the ISTE Standards demonstrate their commitment to supporting critical digital age learning skills and knowledge. By earning a Seal of Alignment, a product is shown to consciously, purposefully and meaningfully support best practices for digital pedagogy.
Design Certification
Assesses if EdTech tools are visually appealing, easy to use, and accessible to all students.
Codesign Product Certification
Codesign Product Certification verifies that qualifying, education-technology companies iterate their products based on authentic, school-community recommendations and feedback from Leanlab’s codesign research process. Codesign is a collaborative research process that Leanlab uses to unite critical insights from school communities with the expertise of researchers and product developers. Educational technology companies who have completed a research study with Leanlab and made product modifications based on the recommendations of teachers and students during that study are eligible for the certification.
Digital Promise Research-Based Design Product Certification
Products that have earned the Research-Based Product Certification demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to building a product upon the foundation of rigorous research on how people learn. The certification also indicates that the solution provider has shared the research that informed their product design and development.
EdTech Interoperability
Ensures EdTech tools work well together and integrate with school systems.
1EdTech Certification (IMS Global)
Educators have enough to juggle these days without having to figure out if your company’s software will plug-and-play with the rest of their digital ecosystem. 1EdTech certification guarantees interoperability across the widest range of integrations and thousands of certified products. Certified products are backed by expert technical support to troubleshoot any technical issues that may occur—making the implementation of a standard easier.
Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification
The Project Unicorn Interoperability Certification signals that an edtech product prioritizes data interoperability. There are four tiered badges available representing levels of interoperability, with tier 4 equaling the highest standard. At the core of interoperability is a focus on better informing instruction and driving student-centered learning experiences while ensuring data is secure. This interoperability certification enables school systems to know they are investing in products that prioritize data modernization and ensuring that their systems “talk to each other” in a secure and seamless manner.
Student Privacy Protection
Ensures EdTech tools protect students' personal information and comply with privacy laws.
The Common Sense Privacy Rating
iKeepSafe COPPA Certification
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Rule designed to ensure that parents remain in control of personal information collected from their young children online. It applies to operators of websites or online services that collect, use or disclose personal information from children under the age of 13, and to operators of websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information from users of another website or online service directed to children
iKeepSafe FERPA Certification
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that applies to all schools that receive funds from the US Department of Education. It protects the privacy of student education records, and allows parents and eligible students certain rights related to review, control and privacy of those records.
Research & Evidence
Confirms EdTech tools are based on solid research and proven to improve learning.
International Certification of Evidence of Impact in Education
ICEIE is a not-for-profit organisation established to respond to the missing code of practice for certifying “what works” in educational technologies globally. The ICEIE aims to provide clear evidence of the learning value of educational resources according to a multidimensional impact evaluation framework.