MyiMaths is a whole-school interactive resource for use in the classroom and at home that is easy to use alongside any other maths resources to consolidate learning. Written by teachers for teachers and their students, MyiMaths offers everything you need to teach mathematics, enthuse today’s students, and provide a strong foundation for other maths-related subjects.
What we offers
1. For Primary
- Lessons
MyiMaths provides hundreds of lessons paired with self-marking homework tasks for practice and to assess understanding of the lesson content. Interactive lessons provide step-by-step examples to break down learning into manageable chunks and can be used by children of all abilities at school or at home.
- Homework
Homework questions are randomly generated to provide limitless practice and instant marking provides immediate feedback for pupils and teachers. Results can be seen within the MyiMaths Teacher Dashboard, with a traffic light system which allows teachers to see, at a glance, whether a student is on track to reach their goal.
- Pupil Portal
Individual pupils can see the homework tasks they have been set and when they are due, rate their understanding of homework resources and see feedback from their teacher in the Pupil Portal. Parents can also follow their child’s progress, check their homework requirements, and try the lesson content if they want to refresh their own maths skills.
- Teacher Dashboard
The Teacher Dashboard is a powerful management system teachers can use to track individual pupils’ progress, monitor and assess classes, allocate specific curriculum-matching work, and leave comments to encourage pupils. The handy traffic light system is a quick way to see how pupils are performing.
- Revision and Assessment
Revision lessons and worksheets are designed to offer targeted revision to summative tests and exams. The classic MyiMaths booster packs are designed to help students self-serve their independent learning. Packs include a curated set of revision lessons, homework tasks, and online worksheets. Teachers’ can assign all the revision content in the Teacher Dashboard to both help consolidate skills and use it for summative assessments.
- Games
MyiMaths games are an ideal way of motivating pupils to consolidate their maths skills while developing an enjoyment of maths. Each game is tailored to engage pupils, provide a little bit of fun, and a lot of practice to develop fluency.
2. For Secondary
- Lessons
Our interactive lessons both break down and illustrate key concepts so you can teach with confidence. Lessons come ready-made with a range of tools and activities that teachers can use to help consolidate skills, set as starters, or provide variety for students in class. Students can also access lessons from home, making them a great tool for independent study and exam revision.
- Homework
Every MyiMaths lesson is paired with an online homework to assess understanding. Questions are randomly generated to help provide students with plenty of opportunities to master their skills or use during revision. All homework results are automatically fed through instantly to the Teacher Dashboard, so you can track student progress in real time.
- Student Area
Students can find all of their homework and revision tasks in their Student Portal. Here they can rate their understanding of homework topics giving feedback for their teachers on how they’ve found tasks. Parents can also follow their child’s homework progress and refer directly to lesson content at the click of a button.
- Teacher Dashboard
The Teacher Dashboard is a powerful management system teachers can use to track individual students’ progress, monitor and assess classes, allocate specific curriculum-matching work, and leave comments to encourage students. The handy traffic light system is a quick way to review if pupils are on track reach their goal.
- Revision and assessment
Revision lessons and worksheets are designed to offer targeted revision to summative tests and exams.The classic MyiMaths booster packs are designed to help students self-serve their independent learning. Packs include a curated set of revision lessons, homework tasks, and online worksheets. Teachers’ can assign all the revision content in the Teacher Dashboard to both help consolidate skills and use it for summative assessments.
- Games
There is a fantastic range of games available on MyiMaths, each one tailored to provide an ideal way of getting students to consolidate their maths skills, get them competing in class, and have fun in the process!