EDN - Educational Service provider for Ministry of Education Singapore in conducting Enrichment Workshop, Educational Tours E-Learning and providing Edutech solutions
EdTech Solutions
School data, simplified
Enhance literacy skills for every child with our award-winning online training program
STEM Builder Kit
Explore the principles of physics and engineering and master mathematical concepts step by step using interactive manipulatives
STEM Explorer Kit
Learn simple machine concepts and Math manipulatives Brick by Brick
Raising aspirations of children with academic and behavioural challenges, including special needs, together
Help every child from kindergarten to 4th grade excel in math with our proven online training program
STEM Mekanics Kit
Learn physics underlying simple and compound machine concepts and Master Math brick-by-brick with Interactive Manipulatives
Cathoven AI
Sederhanakan perencanaan pembelajaran 10x lebih cepat dengan AI
The All-in-One Change Activation Platform
AI Lite
Unleash your creativity with Robotics powered by AI
STEM Innovator Kit
Jelajahi konsep mesin sederhana dan mesin majemuk serta Master Matematika bata demi bata dengan Manipulatif Interaktif